Its been a month. In no particular order, some things that happened:
- B got bit by a dog and got a full set of rabies shots (still awaiting the bill for the 4 ER visits)
- My MIL came for 3 weeks and created a wave of drama and anxiety all around
- We spent a cold, rainy Memorial Day weekend in a lovely house in the mountains---which we only left for 5 minutes at a time to walk the dog
- Finished a chapter, prepared a talk for a conference, co-writing another paper to submit next month
- Planned our summer (yay!)
- Read a lot of good books and some meh ones
- Ate too much junk and drank too much booze and thus gained too much weight
June Goals:
- Exercise daily
- Book travel arrangements for all summer adventures
- No alcohol on weekdays; only when out with others on weekends
- Write review article, finish co-written manuscript
- Start new clinic initiative
- Create a chore/responsibility schedule for the kids
OK! I can do a post in 7 minutes, so no excuses to leave for so long again!