Monday, March 23, 2020

In it for the memes

I'm giving up drinking for the month.

Sorry, bad punctuation.

I'm giving up. Drinking for the month. 

Haha. My favorite so far and pretty much was my mood last night. My children were driving me INSANE. B has some kind of snorting tic going on that I cannot deal with---he knows its making me crazy so now he's doing it more often and LOUDER on purpose. And L was whining constantly about screen time. They refused to even consider eating the dinner I was about to make so I said f it.

Kids ate hot dogs for dinner. I had cheez its and beer. Rounded off with some Pirate's Booty and gin later.

Also G was mad at me for some reason (its stupid, and not my fault) and we were snippy and just stared at our respective phones for 30 minutes between kids' bedtime and me going up to bed.

I woke up and did my Beach Body 21 day fix extreme total cardio workout, packed my lunch and walked to work in the rain. We rounded on consults as usual. I have phone calls and forms to fill out for patients now and a phone meeting at noon. Followed by more consults.

I am SO GLAD to be at work right now.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah.... 2020 started with me doing a modified whole 30 and pretty much not drinking for the month. And now...

    I made a cocktail last night with gin + pomegrante juice + ginger ale + rosemary syrup. It was delicious. I will repeat tonight.
