Tuesday, June 23, 2020


I took an unplanned break from this space. Other priorities got in the way. Work is busier than ever; I feel like I've got 3 jobs that are constantly competing for my time/attention. Keeping the kids occupied is EVEN HARDER when they don't have the structure of school (and they fought like mad over continuing to do learning activities during the summer, I've given up). A family member (my favorite uncle) passed away, and that took a lot of my emotional energy last week. 

We also planned & successfully executed our first 2020 camping trip. Camping requires a LOT of planning & packing, not to mention all the work when you get there to set up and break down the site. But it was worth it, even if just for 2 nights. Other than the torrential rain that arrived JUST as we finished putting up the tent the first day, we had good weather and were so glad we didn't pack up and go home (we were scared it would torrentially rain the entire time and that would've sucked). We had one full day---which happened to be the longest day of the year, and we packed everything into those hours.We hiked, swam, biked, played games, made fires, ate a lot of junk food, and--best of all--no one whined about screen time the entire day*. 

It was so great to get away that we're doing it again next weekend (the 4th). Further away and for 3 nights this time. We are not sure our trip to Maine is going to happen in August (they require a negative COVID test within 72 hours of arrival for out of state visitors---where can completely asymptomatic people get a test that results that quickly?). 

And on July 6th, camp starts! Hooray! Structure and routine, outdoor play and creativity, instead of finding my kids still in PJs slumped over their laptop at lunchtime, glassy eyed and grumpy to be interrupted. 

*I could, and may, do an entire rant about my kids and screen time. While initially a lifesaver, the screens have now become a matter of contention and constant nagging/yelling and I kinda want to throw them all out the window (or maybe just hide them in the closet for a few weeks for a detox)!  


  1. OMG I hear you on all this. The screens!!!!

    Tiny Boy watched TV for more than 5 hours on Sunday--to be fair, he wasn't feeling great--and then still asked for MORE and threw a fit when I said no.

  2. OMG yes the screens. Last week Dylan was "bad" and we took away the iPad for a week as punishment. It. Has. Been. Amazing. I am thinking of never letting her use it again. Not sure why TV isn't as behavior destroying, but it isn't.

    Can you please write a post about how to camp? I want to try but I've never done it and I don't know how!

  3. AMEN tot he screen rant. I am. So. Sick. Of. Screens. And yes, TV is not nearly as bad as the games. We really need to detox on the games. Very much so. The only thing keeping us sane right now is the 2-4 hours outside every day. I guess that is it’s own mini-detox and it’s probably keeping me from throwing it all out the window.

    Yay for camp! It’s so soon! And you’ll be camping for part of it. My kids’ camp start in late July (7/27) and I am counting the days.

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