Monday, May 4, 2020

Another week...

Had a really nice, and relaxing, weekend! It was warm and sunny and we spent a lot of time outside. I got in a 6 mile run (my back started to twinge around mile 3 so I turned around instead of going for 7), the kids and I planted our herb garden in the backyard, and we went to throw a football around an empty parking lot and for a bike ride. Next weekend is going to unseasonably cold and rainy so I'm glad we took advantage. 

HOWEVER, we tried to go to the park (to throw the ball and climb trees) and it was OVER RUN with non-distancing people (mostly 20-somethings) picnicking and showing off their abs working out and just generally flouting the rules. So the downside to nice weather is that we may start seeing spikes whenever it gets nice outside because people can't help themselves?

It was also a VERY indulgent weekend. Friday night: pizza & wine. Saturday night: take out fried chicken sandwiches/fries and wine. Sunday night: nachos and, ummm, wine. SO no booze and lots of veggies on the menu for this week. Shockingly, I haven't gained weight (yet) but I had been steadily losing since January and definitely stalled on that since the shut down.

We've been watching the Mission Impossible movies and the kids LOVE them. I fall asleep about halfway through each movie. Its a given. So I have no clue what's going on except that Tom Cruise doesn't really seem to age. And damn his core strength is awe-inducing (he does his own stunts, I believe).

Good news! Paper acceptance email just came through this morning! This one is a first author paper for me. Had another acceptance last week (middle author) and a co-first-author minor revision (that we already turned around) last week too. So while I'm having no luck moving the one new paper forward, current me is REALLY grateful for past Ana's writing productivity.

Speaking of writing productivity. Current Ana still has to get her butt in gear. Instead of trying for longer writing blocks during which I spend most of the time messing around on the internet in the name of "literature review" and then staring at a blank page, I am going expect ONE PARAGRAPH a day from myself. Off to write before afternoon patients.

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